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. 6,5 of 10 stars. Release Year 2019. Horror. Info After a meteorite lands in the front yard of their farm, Nathan Gardner (Nicolas Cage) and his family find themselves battling a mutant extraterrestrial organism as it infects their minds and bodies, transforming their quiet rural life into a technicolor nightmare. runtime 111 M. Really not overly interested in this, weirdly. I love Lovecraftian horror, but Dunwich Horror doesn't have a lot of suspense or intrigue going for it. As far as I remember, it was a relatively bizarre yet mundane story of a kid growing up weird before studying the Necronomicon and disappearing in a flailing mass of unknown colours, smells, and tentacles. I'm not sure how he'll adapt it to work on the big screen. Either that or now my expectations are really low making it easier for me to be pleasantly surprised by it. Edit: I just re-read the books plot and apparently I just completely fucking forgot the second half, I am now fully fucking on board.
Color out of space lovecraft. Color out of space full movie. Definitely not the Lovecraft audiobook I was looking for. Definitely not disappointed. The saga ends: 2020:Anakin's Father A star wars story. Why can't they make a series for this one. Its pretty amazing you know.😍😍. Crowley's idea of one's True Will is distinct from ego desires. Thelema is about subverting the will of the ego so that the Divine Will (conceptualized by the Supernal Triad on the Kabbalistic tree of life) can manifest in you.
Color out of space 2020. Color Out of space station. Ew my heart dropped when he grabbed the baby like that. Then he said it was a doll. Faarrkk 😳. This is a story that should only have been filmed in black and white since the color of the title is one that literally does not exist in the visible spectrum.
When Voldemort, Asian Elvis, and Nobunaga decides to go metal
Like Mandy (also starring Nicolas Cage, 2018) Color Out of Space (based on the short story "The Colour Out of Space" by maestro Lovecraft himself) is no dish for the mainstream audience - if you want some teenie slasher or ghost/haunted house movie, this is no movie for you, but if you want some fine trippy horror, it is. And as I like Mandy I like this one too: Color Out of Space is in my humble opinion one of the few good movie adaptions of Lovecraftarian horrors (there are a lot more as one might think but most are thankfully somewhere hidden deep and well in the tombs of oblivion. what you get is a fine story, fine visuals, a B-movie pulp attitude and solid acting. Good.
"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind." H. P. Lovecraft.
Whole thing is creepy and ominous but when Tommy says but we cant get away my mind add man at the end. Color Out of. Color out of space interview. September 8, 2019 10:17PM PT Cult director Richard Stanley's first narrative feature in decades is a fun, messy, deliberately over-the-top sci-fi horror. Five years ago, one of the most famously troubled productions in movie history was colorfully detailed in the documentary “Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley ’s Island of Doctor Moreau. ” Its major takeaway was the cruel injustice of a director being removed from a project that had been his baby from inception. If you wondered what Stanley might’ve got up to had that experience not traumatized him out of the business (some documentaries and shorts aside) for more than a quarter-century, there’s finally an answer of sorts in “Color Out of Space. ” His first big-screen narrative feature since 1992 returns to the berserk mixes of external fantasy and personal idiosyncrasy that made pre-“Island” efforts “Hardware” and “Dust Devil” cult favorites. It’s based on a much-adapted H. P. Lovecraft story, and like most prior versions, takes considerable liberties with the original material. Entertaining but uneven, the result is a deliberately over-the-top sci-fi horror exercise that loses some focus as the action grows more psychedelically unhinged — its oscillating tone not necessarily helped by Nicolas Cage growing likewise, in one of his less inspired gonzo-style performances. Still, there will be great interest among genre fans, ensuring wide exposure in home formats, though big-screen placements will likely be spottier. RLJE Films (which had a sleeper hit last year with “Mandy, ” another trippy Cage opus) picked up U. S. theatrical rights just before the film’s premiere in Toronto’s Midnight Madness section. It begins a bit goofily with cape-wearing, white-horse-riding teenage Wiccan Livinia Gardner (Madeleine Arthur) performing a riverside rite for the sake of her mother Theresa (Joely Richardson), who’s recovering from cancer. She’s interrupted by Ward (Elliot Knight), a handsome young hydrologist surveying the area for a future dam project. After that mildly flirtatious first meet, she heads home to the inherited farm her family has recently moved to, its isolated location a fair distance from the nearest town of Arkham (Lovecraft’s preferred fictive Massachusetts setting). There, mom is working as an online commodities trader, while failed-painter dad Nathan (Cage) is trying to make a go of rural life by growing produce and raising alpacas. Adolescent son Benny (Brendan Meyer) copes with their changed circumstances herbally, while junior child Jack (Julian Hilliard) is young enough not to be bothered. He’s very bothered later that night, however, as an earth-shaking disturbance is caused by a meteor fragment that lands in the front yard, glowing eerily. By morning, it’s cooled to ash, and a day later has vanished entirely. But other strange occurrences begin to escalate, affecting animal as well as human residents. The first to recognize that the local water might be contaminated, visitor Ward avoids imbibing any, which perhaps keeps him safe from the distorting impact on time and matter that others soon suffer. Not so lucky are the Gardners, their livestock or pets (including a particularly expressive dog named Sam, played by three canines), plus old hippie hermit Ezra (Tommy Chong), who squats in a shack nearby. Stanley fares best in the early going, when our dread of what might be coming is managed with a nice balance of creepiness and humor. Once the alien force begins taking over in earnest, however, the film turns overloaded and incoherent by degrees, piling on too many underdeveloped factors. Lovecraft left the cause or purpose of the invading “color” (seen here largely as a pinkish light) mysterious. But the movie is very literal-minded in some aspects, notably some grotesque mutation effects, while remaining vague in others. Whatever the space entity wants, it has no obvious relevance to the somewhat annoying Lavinia’s attempts at witchery, a non-sci-fi supernatural element Stanley doesn’t integrate into the larger story at all. Then there’s the problem of Cage, who’s given some of his best nutzoid turns quite recently (particularly in “Mandy” and “Mom and Dad”), but here seems to be indulging that penchant for eccentric excess without much regard for the surrounding movie. At a midpoint, one of Nathan’s children says, “Dad’s been acting weird, ” but how can they even tell? The other characters have their own internal logic, becoming irrational or developing other signs of “contagion” in a fairly clear progression. Yet Cage hits so many arbitrarily oddball notes from the start, we’re never sure what’s meant to be going on with Nathan, and that loosens the film’s grip on its own tricky tone. While “Color” doesn’t lack wit, its top-billed star too often seems to be having a laugh when the director and his story are going for something else. Hence “Color Out of Space” doesn’t quite gel as a whole, its narrative dissolving into CGI-heavy hallucinogenic near-chaos rather than building steadily towards a full-bore climax. Nonetheless, it always holds interest, and frequently fills the eye with impressive fantastical imagery — the most effective being not blobby lysergic wig-outs but ghostly views of the mist-enshrouded house and neighboring woods. (For funding reasons the film was shot in Portugal, which does a surprisingly fair job passing for New England. ) All tech and design contributions are accomplished, though in suspense terms the movie might actually have been better off applying greater restraint to the use of practical and digital effects. There’s also a sense of overload at times to Colin Stinson’s synth-based score, though that may be partly chalked up to the Imax-house sound system at the Toronto Film Festival press screening attended. Lovecraft is always difficult to adapt, despite more attempts being made every single year. “Color Out of Space” swings wilder and connects less reliably than fellow enthusiast Stuart Gordon’s several Lovecraft-based features. Still, it’s disorderly fun that sports a directorial personality distinct enough to make one grateful for Stanley’s return. Here’s hoping decades don’t pass again before he sees another major project come to fruition. Veteran festival programmer, Anderson Le has teamed up with a group of Asian-American and Asian filmmakers to launch creative studio East. Its objective is hatching pan-Asian stories for a global audience. The new outfit will have offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Los Angeles and have activities that stretch from development, financing and production [... ] The glitz of the annual Hong Kong Film Awards will be put to one side this year as a response to the coronavirus outbreak. The awards’ organizing committee said that it remains important to recognize filmmakers efforts. But the awards show will shift from its scheduled mid-April slot and change its format to avoid creating [... ] Picture Tree Intl. has secured global sales rights of Berlin comedy “Nightlife, ” directed by Simon Verhoeven, following his last film “Welcome to Germany, ” which was Germany’s comic relief to the refugee crisis. The film sold to more than 60 territories and screened at more than 50 festivals worldwide, while being the No. 1 box office hit [... ] MADRID — Swooping on one of the buzzed-up high-profile Spanish-language titles at Ventana Sur, Film Factory Entertainment has acquired world sales rights to “El Olvido Que Seremos” (“Forgotten We’ll Be”), starring Javier Cámara (“Talk to Her”) and directed by Academy Award winning writer-director Fernando Trueba (“Belle Epoque”). Produced by Dago García Producciones for Caracol TV, [... ] Effie T. Brown joined film financing fund Gamechanger as CEO earlier this year because she wanted to make a difference in the industry. After “Parasite’s” historic win at the 92nd Academy Awards, she finally feels hopeful. “It was that feeling of — and it’s a bit of a stretch — ‘Wait, Obama is being elected. ’ [... ] Following her Oscar-nominated turn in “Bombshell, ” Margot Robbie looks to have found her next project, signing on to co-star opposite Christian Bale in a new David O. Russell film at New Regency. Russell would direct from his own script. Plot details are being kept under wraps. Matthew Budman, an executive producer on “Joy” and “American [... ] In today’s film news roundup, “Postscript, ” “Apeirogon” and “Porgy and Bess” are all being developed as feature films, AMC’s Adam Aron will be honored at CinemaCon and SXSW drama “South Mountain” has found distribution. PAGE TO SCREEN “P. I Love You” is finally getting a sequel. Popular on Variety Alcon Entertainment has acquired film rights [... ].
Color out of space subtitles.
You guys read the comments? If so then hopefully you guys see this. Just know I appreciate all the hard work y'all do and I'm a huge supporter. Much love❤. How can I watch the movie. A story of cosmic terror about The Gardners, a family who moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new life when a meteorite crashes into their front yard. The mysterious aerolite seems to melt into the earth, infecting both the land and the properties of space-time with a strange, otherworldly color. To their horror, the Gardner family discover that this alien force is gradually mutating every life form that it cluding them. less A story of cosmic terror about The Gardners, a family who moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapt... more.
Looking forward to Dunwich Horror getting a film sometimes in the future. Level 1 How have none of these people not seen purple before? level 2 So from the trailers, it looks more like a magenta than purple. That's really clever, because magenta isn't part of the visible light spectrum, making it the star of the long running idea of "not a real color. " So they used a color that "doesn't exist" to represent an impossible new color. This person explains why it is "real" in this post here: level 2 To be fair, the color they used was magenta, which is an artificial color unlike anyone has seen on Earth level 2 I would actually be impressed if the director of the movie made ABSOLUTELY SURE that the violet/purple that is the color shows up NO WHERE else than in the movie level 2 I kinda wanna see a movie about people that’s never seen a very familiar concept to uS I thinnk there was either a movie or a book like that, where people who did not understand 3-dimensionality suddenly came in contact with 3d and started going insane level 2 It's a mysterious color unlike any seen on Earth. level 2 What do you mean, you DON'T have a Sonic OC?! 9 points · 8 days ago · edited 8 days ago You're right... But they also make it work, I feel. Even if at times it looks like re-colored green fog from Goosebumps, they generally make it work very well. level 2 I feel like the only really remedy would be to have the movie in black-and-white, but anything illuminated by the light is in color. level 1 What do you mean, you DON'T have a Sonic OC?! 19 points · 8 days ago I also saw it! And yes, it's very-very good. Cage is about on his 7/10 scale (10 being Face Off), but that's still a lot of good Cage. And the whole movie is really good. Practical effects in the right places, CGI in right places, very Silent Hill-ish too. level 2 You gotta be a pretty ballsy dame to just slap a chimp. 8 points · 8 days ago Where do you put Vampire's Kiss on that scale? level 1 I heard the director saying this could be the start of a Lovecraft Cinematic Universe and I'll be totally down with that. level 2 The Subreddit's Steampunk Guy. I also make content in Dreams 39 points · 8 days ago I'm still waiting for the movie adaptation of Cool Air. HP Lovecraft's fear of Air Conditioning, yeah! level 2 I hope it is but it keeps the movies only connected by small things. The movie does name drop a few important places level 2 I'll be over here waiting for The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath... Which seems unlikely considering how people have struggled to adapt much more mundane Lovecraft stories level 2 I believe the director said either At the Mountains of Madness or Call of Cthulhu is set to begin filming in the fall. level 2 I just want lovecraftian things, and maybe ONE reference per movie to lovecraft's cat level 1 Colour from out of Space sounds like a radioactive fear story. Which of course, loses some of its otherworldiness when we can access that reality warping power on our own. Not that it is less dangerous, but... less alien. Have there been other attempts at the story recently? Fragmented Crytolith from Eldrich moon also tells a story of radioactive death that eventually manifest itself into more desth as the Aorura of Emrakul. level 2 I mean, watching Chernobyl, it was basically a Lovecraft story - something invisible that melts you and needs like half the resources of the soviet union to put down - not kill, just put to "sleep" with us basically having to quarantine it and keep an eternal vigil, is bout as Lovecraftian as it gets.
Color out of space official trailer. Премьера В России — 13 февраля 2020 года (Парадиз) Мировая — 7 сентября 2019 года 111 минут Португалия, США, Малайзия, SpectreVision, ACE Pictures Entertainment, BRO Cinema Режиссёр Ричард Стэнли Актёры Николас Кейдж, К’Орианка Килчер, Джоэли Ричардсон, Томми Чонг, Мадлен Артур, Эллиот Найт, Брендан Мейер, Джулиан Хиллиард, Бретт В. Бахман, Мелисса Нирман Композитор Колин Стетсон Продюсеры Дэниэл Ноа, Джош С. Уоллер, Лиза Уэйлен, Элайджа Вуд Сценаристы, Г. Ф. Лавкрафт, Ричард Стэнли Метеорит из глубин космоса принёс на Землю нечто жуткое и необъяснимое. Именно на ферме неподалеку от места падения селится Нейтан Гарднер, рассчитывающий отдохнуть от суеты большого города.
If you're looking for the post on Underwater you can find that HERE If you wish to avoid SPOILERS then stay out of this submission until you've seen the film. Otherwise there is no obligation for spoiler formatting in this post. Adapted from HP Lovecraft's: The Colour Out of Space Reading Club discussion The Gardner family has traded city life for the country after they inherit a rural family estate located near Arkham, Massachusetts. Struggling artist patriarch Nathan (Nicolas Cage) tries his hand at gardening yet fails to yield any desired results. That changes one evening when a small meteorite crashes in the yard. The purple-glowing orb soon withers into dust, but not before infecting the local water supply. While the effect on the crops is bountiful, the alien presence soon begins to take an ill effect on the Gardner family. Directed by Richard Stanley Written by Richard Stanley and Scarlett Amaris Starring Nicolas Cage as Nathan Gardner Joely Richardson as Theresa Gardner Madeleine Arthur as Lavinia Gardner Q'orianka Kilcher as Mayor Tooma Brendan Meyer as Benny Gardner Tommy Chong as Ezra Elliot Knight as Ward Phillips [Wikipedia]( (film)) IMDB.
Wanting the elder gods to follow rules, Alex already lost the game. „The last wave“ and „possession“- should watch if its on a list with such great movies. „Uzumaki“ Sounds not that great. The Colour out from the Underworld. Color out of space streaming. Now this is what I call a gives away you wanting to see the movie. and in my case try to do extra research to see what the movie is about. Color out of space csfd. "The Colour Out of Space" Title page of "The Colour Out of Space" as it appeared in Amazing Stories, September, 1927. Illustration by J. M. de Aragon. [1] Author H. P. Lovecraft Country United States Language English Genre(s) Science fiction, horror Published in Amazing Stories Media type Print ( Magazine) Publication date September 1927 " The Colour Out of Space " is a science fiction/horror short story by American author H. Lovecraft, written in March 1927. In the tale, an unnamed narrator pieces together the story of an area known by the locals as the "blasted heath" in the wild hills west of the fictional town of Arkham, Massachusetts. The narrator discovers that many years ago a meteorite crashed there, poisoning every living being nearby; vegetation grows large but foul tasting, animals are driven mad and deformed into grotesque shapes, and the people go insane or die one by one. Lovecraft began writing "The Colour Out of Space" immediately after finishing his previous short novel, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, and in the midst of final revision on his horror fiction essay " Supernatural Horror in Literature ". Seeking to create a truly alien life form, he drew inspiration from numerous fiction and nonfiction sources. First appearing in the September 1927 edition of Hugo Gernsback 's science fiction magazine Amazing Stories, "The Colour Out of Space" became one of Lovecraft's most popular works, and remained his personal favorite of his short stories. It has been adapted to film several times, as Die, Monster, Die! (1965), The Curse (1987), Colour from the Dark (2008), The Colour Out of Space ( Die Farbe) (2010) and Color Out of Space (2019). Synopsis [ edit] A 2012 illustration by Ludvik Skopalik showing the well on Gardner Farm with the mysterious colour emerging, central to the story An unnamed surveyor from Boston, telling the story in the first-person perspective, attempts to uncover the secrets behind a shunned place referred to by the locals of Arkham as the "blasted heath. " [2] Unable to garner any information from the townspeople, the protagonist seeks out an old and allegedly crazy man by the name of Ammi Pierce, who relates his personal experiences with a farmer who used to live on the cursed property, Nahum Gardner. Pierce claims that the troubles began when a meteorite crashed into Gardner's lands in June 1882. [3] The meteorite shrinks but does not cool, and local scientists cannot discern its origin. As it shrinks, it leaves behind "globules of colour" which are referred to as such only by analogy, [4] as they fall outside the range of anything known in the visible spectrum. The stone is eventually destroyed by six bolts of lightning, and the lab specimens are destroyed when placed in a glass beaker. The following season, Gardner's crops grow unnaturally large and abundant. When he discovers that, despite their appearance, they are inedible, he becomes convinced that the meteorite has poisoned the soil. Over the following year, the problem spreads to the surrounding vegetation and local animals, altering them in unusual ways; the plants around the farmhouse become "slightly luminous in the dark. " [5] Gardner's wife goes mad, and he locks her in the attic. Over time, Gardner isolates his family from the neighboring farmers; Pierce becomes his only contact with the outside world. [3] Shortly after the onset of Mrs. Gardner's madness, the vegetation erodes into a grey powder, and the water from the well becomes tainted. One of Gardner's sons, Thaddeus, also goes mad, and Gardner locks him in a different room of the attic. The livestock turns grey and dies off; like the crops, their meat is tasteless and inedible. Thaddeus dies in the attic. Merwin, another of Gardner's sons, vanishes while retrieving water from the contaminated well. After two weeks with no contact from Gardner, Pierce visits the farmstead and witnesses the tale's eponymous horror in the attic. Gardner's final son, Zenas, has disappeared, and the "colour" has infected Nahum's wife, whom Pierce puts out of her misery. Pierce flees the decaying house as the horror destroys the last surviving resident, Nahum. [3] Pierce returns later that day to the farmstead with six men, including a doctor, who examine Nahum's remains. They discover both Merwin and Zenas' eroding skeletons at the bottom of the well, as well as bones of several other creatures. As they reflect upon their discoveries in the house, a light begins to shine from the well; this becomes the colour, which spreads over everything in the vicinity. The men flee the house and escape as the horror blights the land and then flies into the sky. Pierce alone turns back after the colour has gone; he witnesses a small part of it try to follow the rest, only to fail and return to the well. The knowledge that part of the alien still resides on Earth is sufficient to disturb his mental state. When some of the men return the following day, they find only a dead horse and acres of grey dust. The Gardners' neighbours leave their homes and flee the area. [3] Background [ edit] Lovecraft began writing "The Colour Out of Space" in March 1927, immediately after completing The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. [6] As he wrote the tale, however, he was also typing the final draft of his essay on horror fiction, " Supernatural Horror in Literature ". [7] Although the author himself claimed that his inspiration was the newly constructed Scituate Reservoir in Rhode Island, Lovecraft scholar S. T. Joshi believes that the planned Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts must have influenced him as well. American writer and pulp fiction enthusiast Will Murray cites paranormal investigator Charles Fort, and the "thunderstones" (lightning-drawing rocks that may have fallen from the sky) he describes in The Book of the Damned, as possible inspirations for the behavior of the meteorite. [8] Andy Troy argues that the story was an allegory for the coverage of the Radium Girls scandal in The New York Times, with the symptoms of the Gardners matching the newspaper's description of radium necrosis. [9] Lovecraft was dismayed at the all-too human depiction of aliens in other works of fiction, and his goal for "Colour" was to create an entity that was truly alien. [10] In doing so, he drew inspiration from a number of sources describing colors outside of the visible spectrum. Most notably, Joshi points to Hugh Elliott 's Modern Science and Materialism, a 1919 nonfiction book that mentions the "extremely limited" senses of humans, such that of the many "aethereal waves" striking the eyes, "The majority cannot be perceived by the retina at all. " [11] Lovecraft had used this concept previously, in his 1920 short story, " From Beyond ". [11] Completed by the end of March, "The Colour Out of Space" first appeared in Hugo Gernsback 's science fiction magazine, Amazing Stories in September 1927. [12] The story was illustrated by J. de Aragón, an artist who produced occasional artwork for the magazine. [13] Reception and legacy [ edit] "The Colour Out of Space" appeared in the September 1927 edition of Amazing Stories "The Colour Out of Space" became the only work from Amazing Stories to make Edward O'Brien's anthology of The Best American Short Stories, [14] appearing in the 1928 "Roll of Honor". [7] Gernsback paid Lovecraft only $25 [3] (approximately $368 in present-day terms) and was late in doing so, leading Lovecraft to refer to the publisher as "Hugo the Rat". [14] He never again submitted anything to the publication. [12] Lovecraft did not write another major short story until the following year, when he crafted " The Dunwich Horror ", although he did pen " History of the Necronomicon " and " Ibid " as minor works in-between, [10] as well as an account of a Halloween night's dream that he called " The Very Old Folk ". [7] In addition to being Lovecraft's personal favourite of his short stories, [10] [15] critics generally consider "The Colour Out of Space" one of his best works, and the first with his trademark blending of science fiction and horror. [12] Lovecraft scholar Donald R. Burleson referred to the tale as "one of his stylistically and conceptually finest short stories. " [16] Joshi praises the work as one of Lovecraft's best and most frightening, particularly for the vagueness of the description of the story's eponymous horror. He also lauded the work as Lovecraft's most successful attempt to create something entirely outside of the human experience, as the creature's motive (if any) is unknown and it is impossible to discern whether or not the "colour" is emotional, moral, or even conscious. [10] His only criticism is that it is "just a little too long". [17] E. F. Bleiler described "The Colour Out of Space" as "an excellent story, one of Lovecraft's finest works; in my opinion the best original story to appear in Amazing Stories ". [18] The text of "The Colour Out of Space", like many of Lovecraft's works, has fallen into public domain and can be accessed in several compilations of the author's work, as well as on the Internet. [3] It also had a strong influence on Brian Aldiss 's The Saliva Tree, which has been seen as a rewriting of Lovecraft's tale. [19] In 1984, the novel The Color Out of Time by Michael Shea was published as a sequel to the original novelette. [20] Film adaptations [ edit] The 1965 film Die, Monster, Die!, directed by Daniel Haller, is based on "The Colour Out of Space". The film stars Nick Adams, Suzan Farmer, and Boris Karloff. Lovecraft scholar Don G. Smith claims that, of the scenes that are derived from Lovecraft's work, the "blasted heath doesn't live up to Lovecraft's description" [21] [22] and asserts that, overall, the film does not capture Lovecraft's intent to " the idea of an alien life form completely different from anything humans can imagine. " [23] Smith considers Haller's work an imitation of Roger Corman 's Edgar Allan Poe films, rather than a serious attempt to adapt Lovecraft's tale. [21] Another adaptation, The Curse (1987), was directed by David Keith and stars Wil Wheaton, Claude Akins, Cooper Huckabee, and John Schneider. It more closely follows the plot of Lovecraft's work, albeit set in the 1980s. Lovecraft scholar Charles P. Mitchell referred to the film as faithful to the author's original work, but Mitchell claimed that "[t]he last twenty minutes of the film are so disjointed that they virtually ruin the entire film". [24] [25] The 2008 film Colour from the Dark, directed by Ivan Zuccon, is an adaptation set in Italy. The film stars Michael Segal, Debbie Rochon, Marysia Kay, Gerry Shanahan, and Eleanor James. [26] Bloody Disgusting praised the film, stating Zuccon "managed to do the famous writer’s twisted tale of unseen terror a really fair share of justice by capturing the bleak, grotesque and utterly frightening atmosphere of the source material very, very well. " [27] The 2010 film Die Farbe ( The Color), [28] directed by Huan Vu, is an adaptation set in Germany. It is shot mainly in black and white, the exception being the "Colour" itself. S. Joshi described it as "the best Lovecraft film adaptation ever made". [29] The 2018 film Annihilation — itself based on the 2014 novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer — contains numerous plot similarities with Lovecraft's story, most prominently a colorful alien entity that crash lands on earth and begins mutating nearby plant and animal life. [30] A new version was adapted by writer/director Richard Stanley [31] and released in 2020 under the title Color Out of Space. This film stars Nicolas Cage, [32] [33] and Joely Richardson, [34] and was produced by Elijah Wood through his production company SpectreVision. [31] Stephen King says that his 1987 novel The Tommyknockers, in which residents of a small town in rural Maine are physically and mentally affected by the emanations from an alien ship unearthed in the nearby woods, and a major character is also named Gardner, was strongly influenced by "The Colour Out of Space. " Like many of his works at that time, it was adapted into a TV miniseries, broadcast in 1993; in 2018 it was reportedly to be developed as a feature film. [35] See also [ edit] 1927 in science fiction Impossible colours Weeds (short story), also known as "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill" References [ edit] ^ ISFDB.. Retrieved 2020-01-14. ^ Lovecraft, p. 595 ^ a b c d e f Lovecraft, H. (2008). H. Lovecraft: Complete and Unabridged. New York City: Barnes & Noble. p. 1098. ISBN 978-1-4351-0793-9. ^ Lovecraft, p. 598 ^ Lovecraft, p. 601 ^ Burleson, Donald R. (1983). Lovecraft, a critical study. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 243. ISBN 0-313-23255-5. ^ a b c Joshi, S. (2001). A dreamer and a visionary: H. Lovecraft in his time. Liverpool University Press. p. 422. ISBN 0-85323-946-0. ^ Murray, Will, "Sources for 'The Colour Out of Space'", Crypt of Cthulhu No. 28 (Yuletide 1984), pp. 3-5; cited in S. Joshi, Annotated Lovecraft, p. 70. ^ Troy, Andy (August 2015), " " A Stalking Monster": The Influence of Radiation Poisoning on H. Lovecraft's "The Colour out of Space " ", Lovecraftian Proceedings No. 1: Papers from Necronomicon Providence 2013, New York: Hippocampus Press, pp. 33–51 ^ a b c d Joshi, S. (1996). A Subtler Magick: The Writings and Philosophy of H. Lovecraft. Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press. p. 316. ISBN 1-880448-61-0. ^ a b Joshi, S. T., "The Sources for 'From Beyond'", Crypt of Cthulhu No. 38 (Eastertide 1986): 15-19 ^ a b c Joshi, S. ; Schultz, David E. An H. Lovecraft encyclopedia. pp. 43, 294. ISBN 0-313-31578-7. ^ Ashley, Mike; Lowndes, Robert A. W. (2004). The Gernsback Days: A Study of the Evolution of Modern Science Fiction From 1911 to 1936. p. 80. ISBN 0809510553. ^ a b Ashley, Michael (2000). The History of the science fiction magazine. p. 320. ISBN 0-85323-855-3. ^ Burleson, Donald R. (1990). Lovecraft: disturbing the universe. University Press of Kentucky. p. 170. ISBN 0-8131-1728-3. ^ Burleson, "Critical", p. 135 ^ Joshi, "Subtler", p. 137 ^ Bleiler, E. and Bleiler, Richard, Science-fiction: the Gernsback years: a complete coverage of the genre magazines from 1926 through 1936. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1998. ISBN 9780873386043 (p. 261-2). ^ Gaiman, Neil (2012). "Short Stories". FAQs » Books, Short Stories, and Films.. Retrieved 2012-12-18. ^ D'Ammassa, Don (2009-01-01). Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction. New York City: Infobase Publishing. p. 315. ISBN 1438109091. ^ a b Smith, Don G. (2006). Lovecraft in popular culture. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company. p. 173. ISBN 0-7864-2091-X. ^ Smith, p. 45 ^ Smith, p. 47 ^ Mitchell, Charles P. The complete H. Lovecraft filmography. p. 249. ISBN 0-313-31641-4. ^ Mitchell, p. 115 ^ Colour from the Dark on IMDb ^ Staff (2008-11-30). "MOVIES: Colour From The Dark". Retrieved 2017-10-27. ^ The Color Out of Space on IMDb ^ Joshi, S. (2014-05-16). "May 16, 2014".. Retrieved 2016-03-30. ^ Anderson, Kyle (2018-02-28). "Alex Garland's Annihilation is More Lovecraftian Than You Thought".. Retrieved 2018-03-05. ^ a b Webster, Christopher. "Richard Stanley's H. Lovecraft Flick COLOR OUT OF SPACE Is Happening! ".. Quiet Earth. Retrieved 26 October 2019. ^ "Richard Stanley is back in the saddle again, will direct 'Color out of space, ' starring Nicolas Cage". Screen Comment. 2019-01-23. ^ "Nicolas Cage Nabs Lead in Sci-Fi Thriller 'Color Out of Space ' ". The Hollywood Reporter. 2019-01-25. ^ Miska, Brad (2019-01-23). "Nicolas Cage to Topline Richard Stanley's 'Colour Out of Space'! ". Bloody Disgusting. ^ Kaye, Don (2018-04-21). "Stephen King's The Tommyknockers Heads to Universal After Bidding War". SyFyWire. Retrieved 2019-01-31. External links [ edit] The Colour Out of Space at Faded Page (Canada) The Colour Out of Space title listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database.
I was wondering the whole time wtf is going to happen and then the movie ends without any explanation
The movie was so slow and had no action or anything to keep you interested
what a waste of money what a pity. Finn wolf hard is in so many horror movies 9:55 Like IT, stranger things, ghostbusters afterlife well that's sort of horror same with the Adams family sort of horror. Color Out of space 2. Reading the comments. no one has anything to say about From Beyond. When I read the story for the first time, the color in my mind was a kind of phosphorescent green. Not really the same tone as COoS, but if you want weird psychological cosmic horror that's more in line with Lovecraft's mood then I'd suggest The Lighthouse if you haven't seen it already. While I found COoS... entertaining, I guess, it's definitely a B movie with some ridiculous acting and dialogue that's hilarious at times. And neat visuals. But I can't say I'll watch it again without a group of friends to trash it. The Lighthouse though is a brilliant film that I think really captures more of the kind of thing Lovecraft was going for, minus the monsters. It's more centered on the daunting existences that send people into madness, and really shows the kind of obsessive breakdown so many of his characters face. There's even a kind of cosmic presence, paranoia, and shady secrets, all of which are in Lovecraft's stuff too. I wish COoS covered more of that ground, but it did well in building up other Lovecraft stuff, like the monsters and some of the madness. The Thing is also another suggestion, but that may be an obvious one.
Color out of Space is probably my favorite Lovecraft tale. There are parts of it that feel like his most "modern" spooky story but blended with his classic ethereal indescribable madness. It'll take a deft touch to replicate the surreal atmosphere right and I don't think it will work as a campy horror flick. And obviously you simply can't make a color that literally doesn't exist in a visual medium either. Without that element it doesn't bring a lot to the table we haven't seen since the novel was written, but I can see something interesting being made. Plus Cage might be an aspect of Nyarlathotep so.
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I really want to see this movie as I'm curious to see how they turned a 20 page story into a 2 hour long movie. This website uses cookies to provide you with a better experience You can adjust your cookie settings through your browser. If you do not adjust your settings, you are consenting to us issuing all cookies to you. The color of madness brought me here. Well this clearly doesn't look like the novel color of out of space :c. There are not many movies based around the Lovecraft mythos and this is a shame. Think "In the Mouth of Madness" mixed with "The Thing. You can't go wrong with this movie. Solid acting from all the cast. The descent into madness is well done. You'll be left with plenty of questions and this to me is the mark of a good movie. I wasn't expecting much when i started watching it considering the lack of Lovecraft material but i ended up stopping everything and watched it 100% which is rare for me. Give it a go.
Anything Elijah Wood produces is worth seeing. This is so sad alexa play the theme from star wars. Color Out of space science.
Color out of space wiki. Great voice. But slow down please. I really hope this does well. HP Lovecraft never adapts too well because it was always meant for the page and the imagination, which can literally warp from word to word. Color out of space 2019 trailer reaction. Color out of space audiobook. Color out of space rotten tomatoes. 🔀 This is an article about the short story. For the eponymous character, see Colour Out of Space " The Colour Out of Space " is a short story written by American horror author H. P. Lovecraft in March 1927. In the tale, an unnamed narrator pieces together the story of an area known by the locals as the "blasted heath" in the wild hills west of Arkham, Massachusetts. The narrator discovers that many years ago a meteorite crashed there, draining the life force from anything living nearby; vegetation grows large, but tasteless, animals are driven mad and deformed into grotesque shapes, and the people go insane or die one by one. Lovecraft began writing "The Colour Out of Space" immediately after finishing his previous short novel, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, and in the midst of final revision on his horror fiction essay " Supernatural Horror in Literature ". Seeking to create a form of life that was truly alien, he drew his inspiration from numerous fiction and nonfiction sources. First appearing in the September 1927 edition of Hugo Gernsback 's science fiction magazine Amazing Stories, "The Colour Out of Space" became one of Lovecraft's most popular works and remained his personal favorite short story. It was adapted into feature film versions in 1965 and 1987. Synopsis Edit Written in the first-person perspective of an unnamed surveyor from Boston, "The Colour Out of Space" tells the story of the narrator's attempts to uncover the secrets behind a shunned place referred to by the locals of Arkham as the "blasted heath". [1] Unable to garner any information from the townspeople, the protagonist seeks out an old and allegedly crazy man by the name of Ammi Pierce who relates his personal experiences with a farmer who used to live on the cursed property, Nahum Gardner. Pierce claims that the troubles began when a meteorite crashed into Gardner's lands in June 1882. [2] The meteorite never cools, but begins shrinking and local scientists are unable to discern its origins. As the stone shrinks, it leaves behind globules of colour that are referred to as such "only by analogy", [3] as they do not fall within the range of anything known in the visible spectrum. These remains eventually disappear but, the following season, Gardner's crops come in unnaturally large and abundantly. When he discovers that, despite their appearance, they are inedible, he accuses the meteorite of having poisoned the soil. Over the following year, the problem begins spreading to the surrounding vegetation and local animals, warping them in unusual ways. The plant life around the farmhouse becomes "slightly luminous in the dark", [4] and Gardner's wife eventually goes mad, forcing him to lock her in the attic. During this time, Gardner begins to isolate his family from the rest of the town and Pierce slowly becomes his only contact with the outside world. [2] Soon after Gardner's wife becomes mad, the vegetation begins eroding into a grey powder and the water from the well becomes tainted. One of Gardner's sons, Thaddeus, goes insane like his mother and is similarly locked in a different room in the attic. The livestock begins turning grey and dying and, like the crops, their meat is tasteless and inedible. Thaddeus eventually dies and Merwin, another of Gardner's sons, goes missing during an excursion to retrieve water from the well. After two weeks of silence from Gardner, Pierce visits the farmstead and witnesses the tale's eponymous horror for the first time in the attic. Gardner's final son, Zenas, has disappeared and the "colour" has infected Nahum's wife, whom Pierce puts out of her misery. He then flees the decaying house as the horror destroys the last surviving resident, Nahum. [2] Pierce returns to the farmstead shortly after with six other men, including a doctor, who begin examining Nahum's remains. They discover Merwin and Zenas' eroding skeletons at the bottom of the well, as well as remnants of several other creatures. As they reflect upon their discoveries in the house, a light begins to emit from the well that eventually transforms into the "colour" and begins pouring out, spreading over everything nearby. The men flee the house just as the horror blights the land and then shoots toward the sky. Pierce alone turns back after the "colour" has gone and witnesses a small part of it try to follow the rest, only to fail and return to the well. The knowledge that part of the alien still resides on earth is sufficient to alter his mental state. When some of the men return the following day, there is nothing remaining but a dead horse and acres of grey dust, and the surrounding area is quickly abandoned by all of its remaining residents. [2] Background Edit File:Fort charles Lovecraft began writing "The Colour Out of Space" in March 1927, immediately after completing The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. [5] As he wrote the tale, however, he was also typing the final draft of his horror fiction essay Supernatural Horror in Literature. [6] Although the author himself claimed that his inspiration was the newly constructed Scituate Reservoir in Rhode Island, Lovecraft scholar S. T. Joshi believes that the planned Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts must have influenced him as well. American writer and pulp fiction enthusiast Will Murray cites paranormal investigator Charles Fort, and the "thunderstones" (lightning-drawing rocks that may have fallen from the sky) he describes in The Book of the Damned, as possible inspirations for the behavior of the meteorite. [7] Lovecraft was dismayed at the all-too human depiction of "aliens" in other works of fiction, and his goal for "Colour" was to create an entity that was truly alien. [8] In doing so, he drew inspiration from a number of sources describing colors outside of the visible spectrum. Most notably, Joshi points to Hugh Elliott's Modern Science and Materialism, a 1919 nonfiction book that mentions the "extremely limited" senses of humans, such that of the many "aethereal waves" striking the eyes, "the majority cannot be perceived by the retina at all". [9] This concept had previously been used in Lovecraft's 1920 short story " From Beyond ". [9] Completed by the end of March, "The Colour Out of Space" was first published in Hugo Gernsback 's science fiction magazine Amazing Stories in September 1927. ( EXP: An H. Lovecraft Encyclopedia) The fact that the Miskatonic researches found a new color can be seen as acquainted to the impossible color phenomenom. The effects on the environment of the meteor can also be linked to the ones of a nuclear weapon even though they were written some years before such creations. Reception and legacy Edit "The Colour Out of Space" became the only work from Amazing Stories to make Edward O'Brien 's anthology of The Best American Short Stories, [10] appearing in the 1928 "Roll of Honor". [6] Gernsback paid Lovecraft only $25 [2] (approximately $350 in present day terms) and was late in doing so, leading Lovecraft to refer to the publisher as "Hugo the Rat". [10] He never again submitted anything to the publication. Lovecraft Encyclopedia) Lovecraft did not write another major short story until the following year, when he crafted " The Dunwich Horror ", although he did pen " History of the Necronomicon " and " Ibid " as minor works in-between, [8] as well as an account of a Halloween night's dream that he called " The Very Old Folk ". [6] In addition to its being his personal favourite of all of his short stories, [8] [11] critics have considered "The Colour Out of Space" to be one of Lovecraft's best works, as well as the first to establish his trademark blending of science fiction and horror. Lovecraft Encyclopedia) Lovecraft scholar Donald R. Burleson referred to the tale as "one of his stylistically and conceptually finest short stories". [12] Joshi praises the work as one of Lovecraft's best and most frightening, particularly for the vagueness of the description of the story's eponymous horror. He also lauded the work as Lovecraft's most successful attempt to create something entirely outside of the human experience, as the creature's motive (if any) is unknown and it is impossible to discern whether or not the "colour" is emotional, moral, or even conscious. [8] His only criticism is that it is "just a little too long". [13] The text of "The Colour Out of Space", like many of Lovecraft's works, has fallen into public domain and can be accessed in several compilations of the author's work as well as on the Internet. [2] It also had a strong influence on Brian Aldiss 's "The Saliva Tree", which has been seen as a rewriting of Lovecraft's tale. [14] In 1984, the novel The Color Out of Time by Michael Shea was published as a sequel to the original novelette. [15] Film adaptations Edit The 1965 film Die, Monster, Die!, directed by Daniel Haller, is based on "The Colour Out of Space". Nick Adams plays a scientist by the name of Stephen Reinhart who travels to England to visit his fiancee (played by Suzan Farmer) at the home of her parents Nahum (Boris Karloff) and Letitia (Freda Jackson). There he discovers that Nahum is keeping a space rock in his basement and using it to grow giant vegetation and mutated animals. The rock has driven Nahum and Letitia insane and, in the film's climax, it transforms Nahum into a glowing monster. Lovecraft scholar Don G. Smith claims that, of the scenes that are derived from Lovecraft's work, the "blasted heath doesn't live up to Lovecraft's description" [16] [17] and asserts that overall the film does not successfully capture Lovecraft's intent to "play... with the idea of an alien life form completely different from anything humans can imagine". [18] Smith considers Haller's work to be an imitation of Roger Corman 's Edgar Allan Poe films rather than a serious attempt at adapting Lovecraft's tale. [16] Another adaptation, 1987's The Curse, was directed by David Keith and more closely follows the plot of Lovecraft's work. A meteorite lands on the property of Nathan Hayes (Claude Akins) and local physician Alan Forbes (Cooper Huckabee) is unable to explain why the rock keeps shrinking. He is dissuaded from contacting the authorities by Charlie Davidson (Steve Carlisle), a realtor who does not want the new arrival to discourage the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) from establishing a new reservoir in the area. As the rock disappears, a glowing colour seeps out and into the ground. Within a few weeks, the farm's crops bloom but are soon discovered to be inedible. Shortly after, the local animals, as well as Nathan's wife, begin to go mad and a previously unknown element is discovered in the property's well. Soon Nathan and his son Cyrus (Malcolm Danare) are driven insane as well and begin terrorizing those who come to the farm, including the other children Zack (Wil Wheaton) and Alice (Amy Wheaton). In the film's conclusion, they are saved by TVA representative Carl Willis (John Schneider) and the house collapses. Lovecraft scholar Charles P. Mitchell referred to the film as faithful to the author's original work, but claimed that "[t]he last twenty minutes of the film are so disjointed that they virtually ruin the entire film". [19] [20] There is a DLC to the RPG game Darkest Dungeon called "The Color of Madness", which adds a new location to the game - a Farmstead hit by a comet, full of creatures tainted by extraterrestrial power brought by that comet, a twisted Miller as one of the main enemies and a ghost of his wife as one of the cataclysm's victims. The DLC is largely based on Lovecraft's novel. 21 References Edit ↑ Lovecraft, p. 595 ↑ 2. 0 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 (2008) H. Lovecraft: Complete and Unabridged New York City: [[ Barnes & Noble]]. ↑ Lovecraft, p. 598 ↑ Lovecraft, p. 601 ↑ (1983) H. Lovecraft, a critical study Westport, Connecticut: [[ Greenwood Publishing Group]]. ↑ 6. 0 6. 1 6. 2 (2001) A dreamer and a visionary: H. Lovecraft in his time [[ Liverpool University Press]]. ↑ Murray, Will, "Sources for 'The Colour Out of Space'", Crypt of Cthulhu No. 28 (Yuletide 1984), pp. 3-5; cited in S. Joshi, Annotated Lovecraft, p. 70. ↑ 8. 0 8. 1 8. 2 8. 3 (1996) A Subtler Magick: The Writings and Philosophy of H. Lovecraft Rockville, Maryland: [[ Wildside Press]]. ↑ 9. 0 9. 1 S. Joshi, "The Sources for 'From Beyond'", Crypt of Cthulhu No. 38 (Eastertide 1986): 15-19 ↑ 10. 0 10. 1 (2000) The History of the science fiction magazine [[ Liverpool University Press]]. ↑ (1990) Lovecraft: disturbing the universe [[ University Press of Kentucky]]. ↑ Burleson, "Critical", p. 135 ↑ Joshi, "Subtler", p. 137 ↑ Gaiman, Neil (2012). Short Stories. FAQs » Books, Short Stories, and Films. Retrieved on 2012-12-18. ↑ (2009-01-01). Encyclopedia of Fantasy and Horror Fiction New York City: [[ Infobase Publishing]]. ↑ 16. 0 16. 1 (2006) H. Lovecraft in popular culture Jefferson, North Carolina: [[ McFarland & Company]]. ↑ Smith, p. 45 ↑ Smith, p. 47 ↑ (2001) The complete H. Lovecraft filmography Westport, Connecticut: [[ Greenwood Publishing Group]]. ↑ Mitchell, p. 115 External links Edit Template:Wikisource-inline.
Color out of space film. Color out of space poster. Now dis some action me like! love the trailer but they all just like need more heavy rock music like it always was. It missing. Ten times better if I just have it on repeat and listen to Metallica and Delta Parole as background music. Banger. You know its good when you see Guillermo Del Toro name. Color out of space nicolas cage. Save Blizzard, blessed mother. Color out of space trailer. Color out of space trailer 2019. The Color Out of Space. not even once. Color out of space subtitles 2019. For me the feeling at the end came close to the book.
Good mystery movie around the old ones that lovecraft always wrote about. As i know of, it's only the second lovecraft story that made it to a movie.
I didn't really care for it. It has some cool things going for it* but I felt that, like with most lovecraft adaptations, something is lost between the page and the screen. Most adaptations don't turn out very well. This is another one, I'd give it a 6/10 maybe, not the greatest thing ever, not the worst. If you like Lovecraft and haven't seen it yet, I'd recommend Dagon (2001), it's low budget but it's an enjoyable disturbing Lovecraft movie. *The effects and art concepts are very good, the sound design is unique and disturbing in a good way. I loved this movie, unapologetically. It was fun b-movie schlock, but was exactly aware of what it was. A few things didn't quite work, but they do what they can with them. The movie is ridiculous and self-aware but still legitimately scary when it needs to be. And Nic Cage gives a fantastic performance. His descent into madness is great, and I love the weird accent his voice gets hit by as he goes madder and madder. "I've had it with your drama. So do me a favor and get the fuck out of my sight, okay?! No, actually, I'll save you the trouble and get the fuck out of YOURS! " is one of my favorite line deliveries ever.
Color out of space trailer reaction. Color out of space movie review. The lyrics in this song are of the most clearly and scary depiction of cosmic any fan of Lovecraft proud. Level 1 I'm ready for a Lovecraft Cinematic Universe. And The Dunwich Horror does lend itself to a movie. level 2 I would love a cinematic universe so damn much. ATMOM is sadly the one thats hardest to translate to the screen, and yet its still the one I want the most. Fingers crossed that recent R-rated movie successes will somehow help the studio execs wise up and give guillermo that bitchin budget to do ATMOM properly level 2 I've always said The Dunwich Horror would make the most watchable film out of of his body of work. Why ATMOM always gets brought up I don't know considering it would be one of the least watchable. level 2 Dunwich Horror would be so great. It also happens to be my favorite Lovecraft story. level 2 Yesss dunwhich horror was my first lovecraft book and one of my favorites bc of wilbur's horrifying growth spurts. level 1 Shadow over Innsmouth would be the best pick for the next one Some others such as the Dunwich Horror and the Whisperer in Darkness could also work level 2 Oh man, The Whisperer in Darkness could be so good on screen. Imagine things starting all rational and investigative and slowly ramping up the tension, and then leaving all sanity behind until we’re at full-on immortal eon travelling brain jars and aliens wearing your face territory. level 2 Well, he is credited as "fish man" in Dagon, so he could say he already did that one. level 2 Shadow over Innsmouth would be the best pick for the next one I agree. I liked The Dunwich Horror, but it's low on the list of ones I'd like to see adapted to the big screen. level 2 I think Dreams in the Witch house would be pretty good. It's more or less just a horror scenario revolving around this one guy and his encounter with Keziah, but it does dive a little into Elder Things, Nyarlathotep, and Azathoth. Might be a good second after Color before taking a deep dive with Dunwich, Shadow, or maybe CoC (if I'm lucky). level 2 Whisperer in darkness could be so scary if done well!! That ending.. :o level 2 Shadow over Innsmouth would make a terrific period piece a la The Lighthouse. High contrast black and white, minimal cast, claustrophobic horror with more tension than CGI monsters. No Cthulhu, all fish monster. level 1 Man, I'm dying for a film adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness. It's the most coherent (in terms of making a movie) story he has. level 2 Somewhere out there Del Toro is still plotting the death of Ridley Scott and Universal level 2 I want to see this made before I die. level 2 I see what you did there.
Color out of space imdb.
- Reporter: Mark Twomey
- Bio Living in the moment, working on storage at Amazon Web Services. Speaking for myself.
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