Rated 9.8/10 based on 870 customer reviews

- genre=Sci-Fi
- Jessica Henwick
- release Date=2020
- Reviews=A crew of aquatic researchers work to get to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory. But the crew has more than the ocean seabed to fear

- Writed by=Adam Cozad
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I love this songg. U are the best Sinon! 😍😍😍❤❤❤. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n series. Underwater Released 7 September 2017 ( Update) Members Yes Location Fossil Island Teleports N/A Map Location on World Map Mushroom Forest ← Underwater → House on the Hill ↓ Museum Camp Underwater is a location just off the northern coast of Fossil Island. In order to enter the underwater area, a player must first travel to a small island via rowboat, located at the northern tip of the island (transportation icon). On this smaller island, a player can then select Dive on the rowboat to enter the underwater section. They will also find a bank on this island, which can be used to quickly grab required items. After a player has travelled here once, a new option is unlocked when using the Museum Camp rowboat, allowing quick travel to this island. While the fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus are not required to dive, it is heavily suggested that players bring them in order to extend their visit. Flippers can also be worn in order to " run " underwater and swim faster. Weapons can be wielded underwater; however, they prevent players from being able to swim. Shield-slot items such as defenders cannot be wielded whatsoever. Attempting to access the deeper areas with a weapon equipped or while weighing 28 kg and above will cause the player to drown. The underwater area cannot be accessed in PvP worlds. Air mechanics [ edit | edit source] When underwater, an oxygen meter will be displayed, reflecting the player's supply of oxygen. This bar begins at 100%. As long as both the fishbowl helmet and diving apparatus are equipped, the bar will remain at 100%. If not, the player's oxygen will go down by 1% every 3 ticks (1. 8s). At 10% oxygen, the player's screen will begin flashing red, indicating that they will soon run out of air and drown. A player restoring their oxygen in an air bubble. Drowning occurs when a player's oxygen levels drop to 0%. It doesn't cause any harm to the player, but a random amount of mermaid tears between 10 and 20 will be lost if they had any in their inventory. Any tears in the player's bank will be left untouched. To restore oxygen, players can either enter air bubbles, which prevent them from losing oxygen and increase their oxygen by 5% every few seconds, or catch pufferfish, which can be held onto and used to instantly restore oxygen by 15%. Underwater features [ edit | edit source] Drift net fishing [ edit | edit source] This fishing activity requires at least 47 Fishing and 44 Hunter to begin. To be allowed access to the activity, players must first speak with Ceto, located just north of the anchor rope. 200 numulites are required as payment to enter the instanced area and allowance lasts for a full day. Players can also pay a fee of 20, 000 numulites to gain permanent access. This method of fishing and hunting makes use of drift nets, which can be crafted by using two jute fibre on a loom at level 26 Crafting. These drift nets can then be strung up underwater to catch fish. Annette, located in the area, will store up to 2, 000 drift nets for the player. A player chasing fish shoals into drift nets. Players must then chase the fish shoals into the drift nets in order to catch them. Each fish shoal fills the net up by 10% and gives Hunter and Fishing experience based on a player's current levels. Players with a merfolk trident equipped will find it easier to scare fish shoals into their drift nets. A (uncharged) trident of the seas can be used as well. Upon harvesting a fully stocked net, the drift net will be destroyed, leaving just the catch behind. Players can either take the resulting fish and items into their inventory or pay 5 numulites to bank all the fish and items from the net. Sardines, anchovies, lobster, tuna, swordfish, sharks, pufferfish, oysters, clue bottles, fossils, and numulites are all possible rewards from the net. Sea turtles and manta rays can also be obtained if players have the Fishing level to catch them (80 for sea turtles and 90 for manta rays). All fish have approximately the same chance of being caught, while numulites, fossils, and clues are much more rare. Seaweed farming [ edit | edit source] Located just south of the anchor-rope, two seaweed patches can be used by players with at least 23 Farming. Seaweed spores are required for usage of the farming patch. A nearby mermaid, Mernia, requires 200 numulites to watch over each patch. Planting gives 19 Farming experience and harvesting yields 21 experience for each giant seaweed picked. A minimum of three can be collected per patch, with the average being around 20–40 depending on one's Farming level. Seaweed takes approximately 40 minutes to grow. Underwater Agility and Thieving [ edit | edit source] The entire eastern area is an elaborate Agility and Thieving training arena. To enter, the player must first remove their fishbowl helmet by the request of Mairin, a mermaid which guards the area. There is a pile of fishbowls, which a player can use to store their helmet temporarily as they traverse the area. Without a helmet, players must rely on pufferfish and air bubbles to keep their oxygen levels up. Another method is going back to the fishbowl pile and equipping the helmet (for 1 game tick), immediately refilling the oxygen bar. A player searches a treasure chest After entering, players will find a scattered layout of treasure chests and giant clam shells as well as several tunnels, holes and other obstacles, such as currents, which can be traversed. A flashing arrow on the player's screen and minimap indicates which chest or clam currently contains a reward. It should be noted that chests and clams can be looted multiple times after discovering the correct location. A map of the underwater area, with holes having matching colours to help navigate. There is a 1/8. 5 chance that searching a chest or clam more than once will be successful. On a successful search, a mermaid's tear and glistening tear will always be rewarded, as well as a chance of receiving 20-30 numulites or unidentified fossils varying from small to rare (fossils are obtained this way roughly 1 in every 20 mermaid tears). A player could expect to obtain roughly 130 mermaid's tears and glistening tears per hour, as well as 5-10 unidentified fossils of any kind. Mermaid tears are a form a currency, which can be used only in Mairin's Market. Unidentified small, medium and large fossils, the merfolk trident, seaweed spores and bowls of fish can all be purchased here. The glistening tears can be traded to Mairin in exchange for experience in Agility and/or Thieving, scaled by the player's level and which of the skills are chosen. When choosing both, at level 99, the estimated experience per hour is 42, 000 Agility and 151, 300 Thieving experience per hour. More information on the experience rates provided by glistening tears can be seen on their article. Combat [ edit | edit source] Level 68 lobstrosities can be found in the south-eastern area of the domain. These can only be attacked using a powered staff ( Magic) or a Brine sabre ( Melee). While players are not allowed to use their fishbowl helmets here, there are several air bubbles, which will help keep their oxygen levels up. Lobstrosities are favoured for their many seed and herb drops. Seaweed spores will spawn around the area randomly. Personalities [ edit | edit source] Annette - stores the player's drift nets Ceto - Allows access to a Fishing and Hunter activity. Mairin - Runs Mairin's Market where players can buy an assortment of items. Mernia - Looks after the Seaweed patch. Tool Leprechaun - Stores the player's farming tools. Various fish also inhabit the area: Harlequin Fish Paradise Fish Puffer Fish Red Fantail Music unlocked [ edit | edit source] Lagoon References [ edit | edit source] v • d • e Fossil Island Museum Camp Fossil Storage Fossil Island General Store NPCs Charles David Dog Fossil Collector Jardric Peter John Mattimeo Petrified Pete Shop keeper Items Fossil Island fossils Numulite Mushroom Forest Mycelium pool Wyvern Cave NPCs Ancient Zygomite Squirrel Irene Herbiboar Weve Ammonite Crab Items Pyrophosphite Calcite Tar Swamp Sulliuscep NPCs Hoop Snake Charles Charlington Tar Monster Deranged archaeologist Items Hoop snake Sulliuscep cap Uncooked mushroom pie Mushroom pie Breadcrumbs Archaeologist's diary Fossil Island Volcano Volcanic Mine Ash pile Petrified Pete's Ore Shop NPCs Lava beast Maz Items Soda ash Volcanic ash Volcanic mine teleport Calcite Iron ore fragment Silver ore fragment Coal fragment Gold ore fragment Mithril ore fragment Adamantite ore fragment Runite ore fragment Large rock Ash covered tome Heat-proof vessel Underwater Mairin's Market NPCs Mernia Mairin Ceto Annette Fish shoal Lobstrosity Items Mermaid's tear Glistening tear Pufferfish Drift net Merfolk trident Seaweed spore Bowl of fish House on the Hill Mycelium Transportation System Stone chest NPCs Skeka Items Ancient wyvern shield Small enriched bone Medium enriched bone Large enriched bone Rare enriched bone Fossil island note book Ancient diary Music Fossilised Lava is Mine Preservation Preserved v • d • e Hunter Areas Boneyard Canifis Feldip Hills Gwenith Karamja Kourend Woodland Lake Molch Ourania Piscatoris ( Falconry) Puro-Puro Rellekka Uzer NPCs Hunting expert (Feldip Hills) Hunting expert (Rellekka) Hunting expert (Red chinchompa hunting ground) Matthias Gyr falcon Equipment Bird snare Box trap Butterfly net ( magic) Cormorant's glove Falconer's glove Fish chunks Hunter kit ( spell) Imp-in-a-box Torch Magic box Noose wand Rabbit snare Teasing stick Drops Bird snaring Raw bird meat Red feather Yellow feather Orange feather Blue feather Stripy feather Tracking Raw beast meat Polar kebbit fur Common kebbit fur Feldip weasel fur Desert devil fur Long kebbit spike Deadfall Kebbit claws Barb-tail harpoon Kebbit spike Kebbit teeth ( dust) Damaged monkey tail ( Undamaged) Falconry Spotted kebbit fur Dark kebbit fur Dashing kebbit fur Bluegill Common tench Mottled eel Greater siren Rabbit snaring Rabbit foot ( strung) Hunter gear Woodland ( top) ( legs) Jungle ( top) ( legs) Desert ( top) ( legs) Polar ( top) ( legs) Larupia ( hat) ( top) ( legs) Graahk ( headdress) ( top) ( legs) Kyatt ( hat) ( top) ( legs) Gloves of silence Spotted cape Spottier cape.
Dont you just love it when they show the whole movie in the. Autonomous solar powered single missile subs do sound scary. Kẻ săn mồi đáy biển nhạc phim. THANKS FOR WATCHING! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE VIDEO. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 2017. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 1. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 5. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 0. The Thing is the best isolation horror thriller film. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n for sale.
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Kristen Stewart lookin like an anorexic Rose McGowan. Kẻ săn mồi đáy biển trailer. Kẻ săn mồi đáy biển full hd. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90 c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n pdf. Kẻ săn mồi đáy biển. Kẻ săn mồi đáy biển phephim. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 3. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 18.
4k 00:20 Underwater light creates a beautiful veil, consisting of sunlight. Underwater ocean waves oscillate and flow with the rays of light 4k 00:30 Underwater Colorful Tropical Fishes. Tropical underwater sea fishes. Underwater fish reef marine. Tropical colorful seascape. Underwater reef. Reef coral scene. Coral garden seascape. 4k 00:22 Beautiful Motion Through the Underwater Bubbles Cloud on Black and White Backgrounds. Loop-able 3d Animation of Fast Flowing Bubbles Mass. 4k Ultra HD 3840x2160. 4k 00:29 The worlds most polluted beach, Plastic marine debris. 4k 00:19 silversides hiding behind secret rocks under sun shine and beams underwater silverside fish school wavy sea protection 4k 00:18 Slow motion. Plastic pollution of the ocean bottom, Tropical fishes swims over the bottom covered with a lot of plastic garbage. Bottles, bags and other plastic debris on seabed in Mediterranean Sea 4k 00:50 Colorful paint drops mixing in water slow motion. Smooth ink swirling and splashing from above underwater. Ink cloud isolated on black background with alpha. Colored abstract smoke explosion hd 00:30 Sun light beams shining from above coming through the deep clear blue water causing a beautiful water lighting reflections curtain 4k 00:12 Futuristic Organic Designed Liquid Animated Shot. Aqua Colourful Liquid Gradients Video for You Presentation. New Abstraction grade Form Composition. Minimalistic Cover Footage Stylish Sample Closeup hd 00:17 Slow motion video of scuba diver releasing air during the dive. Air bubbles floating from sea botton to the water surface hd 00:34 Underwater view of happy fun loving group of friends jumping and diving into swimming pool at a pool party in summer sunny day. Slow motion. 4k 00:30 School Of swim in a circle. 4k 00:20 Cinemagraph of up close ocean wave 4k 00:08 Underwater ice with rising water bubbles. Macro shot of beautiful blue underwater ice. 4k 00:14 Abstract background with animation of flying and flickering particles as bokeh of light. Animation of seamless bubbles snow animation. 4k 00:20 Sun light beams shining from above coming through the deep crystal clear blue water causing a beautiful water lighting reflections curtain with air bubbles rising up to the surface 4k 00:24 Hawksbill Turtle with pastic bag hd 00:20 Beautiful water surface. Abstract background with animation waving of waterline. Animation of seamless loop. hd 00:19 Underwater view of men jumping in the pool, slow motion hd 00:35 Swimming sea turtle and sandy seabed. Underwater video from scuba diving with the turtles. Wild sea animal in the tropical ocean. Marine life in the shallow water. 4k 01:00 Colorful red/blue paint drops mixing in water. Ink swirling underwater. Colored acrylic cloud abstract smoke explosion animation. Close up view hd 00:13 Undewater Pollution In Focus. 4k Also Available in my other videos. 4k 00:40 sun ray and sun beam scenery underwater waves on surface of water slow 4k 00:21 Clean Water line in slow motion Fills The Screen. Water splashing and waving slow motion, Liquid Surface Wave close up. Colorful Water splashes filling the frame. Liquid splash. Water and air bubble 4k 00:26 Golden sand or dust creating abstract cloud formations. Art backgrounds. 4k 00:11 Underwater Footage of Man Jumping into Water and Swimming. Diving in the Ocean. Shot on RED Epic 4K UHD Camera. 4k 00:30 Colorful orange and pink paint drops from above mixing in water, swirling softly underwater. Cloud of ink isolated. Colored abstract smoke explosion animation. Close up view 4k 00:09 Plastic pollution, used blue plastic bag slowly drifting underwater in the sun lights. Low-angle shot, Backlighting. Plastic debris underwater. Plastic garbage environmental pollution problem 4k 00:14 4K. a group of fluorescent jellyfish swimming in an aquarium pool. transparent jellyfish underwater shots with a glowing jellyfish moving in the water. marine life wallpaper background. hd 00:06 black ink splatter blot spreading turbulent moving abstract painting animation background new unique quality art stylish colorful joyful cool nice motion dynamic beautiful video footage 4k 00:18 Jumping PoV (Slow Motion Action Camera) from rock into sea underwater and emerged with a sunset view. Sports Lifestyle Hobby Vacation Leisure Activity 4k 00:27 Super Slow Motion Shot of Ice Tea Vortex at 1000 fps. 4k 00:14 Futuristic Organic Designed Liquid Animated Shot. Minimalistic Cover Footage Stylish Sample Closeup 4k 00:38 4K underwater illuminated bubbles motion. Ocean floor bubbles. Real underwater footage. Deep under sea level. Floating plankton. Marine background VFX element. Underwater bubbles mayhem hd 00:18 big eye jackfish circling the sun-underwater 4k 00:25 Elegant, detailed, and golden particles flow with shallow depth of field underwater 4k 00:20 Sun light beams shining from above coming through the deep crystal clear blue water causing a beautiful water lighting reflections curtain with air bubbles rising up to the surface 4k 00:35 Underwater Sea Tropical Life. Tropical colorful underwater seascape. Soft hard coral broccoli. 4k 00:20 Deep Purple Carbonated Underwater Bubble Background Loop hd 00:20 Abstract background with morphing circles in flat style on colorful backdrop. 4k 00:15 underwater loop deep loop bottom loop underwater ocean deep ocean bottom ocean underwater sea deep sea bottom sea underwater water deep water bottom water diving submerged marine light background sea 4k 00:20 bubble underwater liquid underwater green screen underwater bubble sparkle liquid sparkle green screen sparkle bubble fizz co2 liquid fizz co2 green screen fizz co2 bubble 4k liquid 4k green screen 4k 4k 00:12 Colorful Pigment Flow Flowing Mixing Creativity Galaxy Creation Display Colors Slow Motion Macro Red Epic 8k 4k 00:23 Abstract Grunge Art Ink Paint Spread Blast Explode Background 4k 00:11 POV shot of young attractive couple diving down and snorkeling together in tropical ocean water, summer vacation fun 4k 00:11 romantic couple kissing underwater in swimming pool wearing clothes young people in love enjoying intimate kiss lovers submerged in water floating with bubbles in passionate intimacy 4k 01:00 Real shot color paint drops in water in slow motion. Cloud of ink collision isolated on black background with alpha. Colorful abstract smoke explosion animation. Close up view 4k 00:58 multicolored particles like confetti or spangles float in a viscous liquid and glitter in the light with depth of field. 3d abstract animation of particles in 4k. luma matte as the alpha channel. 29 4k 00:15 underwater loop bubbles loop flowing loop underwater animation bubbles animation flowing animation underwater fast bubbles fast flowing fast underwater 3d bubbles 3d flowing black white 4k fizz aqua hd 00:20 Pure blue water in the pool with light reflections. 4k 00:06 Water Caustic Background. Seamless Looping 3D Animation. 4K 4k 00:19 Plastic bags environmental pollution problem. Bags and fish in ocean hd 00:23 Gigantic shoal of sardines silhouette light show underwater, Cebu, Philippines 4k 00:15 Beautiful underwater landscape with tropical fishes and corals. Life coral reef. Camiguin, Philippines. 4k 00:22 Super Slow Motion Shot of Beer Vortex at 1000 fps. 4k 00:45 Black and White liquid ink / paint drop stain on white paper background / paint bleed Bloom, with circle organic flow expansion, splatter spreading on pure backdrop texture petri dish 4k 00:27 Abstract color moving background close up hd 00:13 Salmon farm underwater. Salmon swimming. hd 00:26 Tuna fish close-up in underwater marine life of sea creatures in Pacific Ocean on Galapagos Islands Group. School of tuna fish swimming in fresh water. 4k 00:26 Elegant, detailed, and golden particles flow with shallow depth of field underwater 4k 00:20 Snorkeling child welcome you to dive with him in clear blue ocean water. Exploring underwater with snorkel, diving mask. Swimming, enjoying adventure in summer vacation 4k 00:35 Colorful sparkling paints mix in beautiful patterns. Oil ink of blue, red, yellow, brown and other colors spread on the surface and mix one into another creating amazing textures and design. 4k 00:14 Tropical Underwater Red Sponge. Underwater tropical colorful soft-hard corals red sponge coral. hd 00:15 Moving Light Rays, Optical Lens Flare Loop Animation. Very High Quality. 4k 00:29 Plastic pollution - a discarded wtite plastic bag on tropical coral reef, on the blue water background swims school of tropical fish. Underwater shots 4k 00:11 SCUBA Divers ascend in sunlit waters hd 00:12 Professional video of blue underwater bubbles rising to surface in slow motion 250fps 4k 00:08 Breathtaking turquoise underwater ice with rising air bubbles. Close up of cold cyan underwater ice. 4k 00:10 cool friends jumping in swimming pool having fun celebrating summer vacation together group of teenagers enjoying pool party on sunny day underwater view 4k 4k 00:48 Beautiful sea flower in underwater world with corals and fish. Sea flowers moving in fish tank. 4k 00:10 3d animation of bubbles moving and floating on a black background 4k 00:26 sun rays sun beams on the surface of the sea underwater sun shine hd 00:20 Torch Lights Up Skull Underwater 4k 00:14 cave diving underwater scuba divers exploring caves 4k 00:10 Slow motion of air bubbles floating from sea bottom to the water surface. Air bubbles in the blue water 4k 00:15 Falling water drops in super slow motion in 4K 4k 00:26 Tropical fishes and coral reef at diving, 360 panorama. Beautiful underwater world with corals and fish. hd 00:09 Happy smiling toddler is jumping and diving under the water in the swimming pool. An underwater shot. Slowmotion 4k 00:14 Beautiful young woman swimming underwater with dolphins in pristine blue ocean water, amazing snorkeling adventure 4k 00:13 Beautiful underwater cave illuminated by sunbeams pouring through a surface opening. Moving light shafts generating caustics effects on rock formations. Travelling, deepwater scuba diving. 4k 00:19 Underwater Bubbles with sunlight through water surface, natural slow motion underwater scene 4k 00:34 Closeup of Atlantic sea nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha) Jellyfish slow moving underwater on pure black background hd 00:17 Plastic garbage and other debris floating underwater. Marine pollution. Plastic debris in the water, killing wildlife. Black Sea, Bulgary 4k 00:25 Abstract Colorful Paint Ink Liquid Explode Diffusion Psychedelic Blast Movement 4k 00:30 Colorful red/white paint drops mixing in water. Close up view 4k 01:00 Colorful Tropical Coral Reefs. Picture of a beautiful underwater colorful fishes and corals in the tropical reef of the Red Sea Dahab Egypt. hd 00:30 Red color paint ink drops in water slow motion full hd video white background with copy space. Inky cloud swirling flowing underwater. Abstract isolated smoke explosion. Virus Coronavirus concept 4k 00:58 Abstaract colorful ink drops in the water in slow motion mixing in Love shape heart. Blue and Pink ink paint drops swirling and mixing underwater. Colorful Ink Cloud collision isolated with alpha. hd 00:28 Closeup slow motion footage of sea waves washing off footprints on the sandy beach 4k 00:12 Futuristic Organic Fx Designed Liquid Animated Shot. Aqua Colourful Liquid Gradients Video for Presentation. Minimalistic Cover Footage Stylish Sample Close up 4k 00:08 Underwater view of girl floating on air mattress inflatable bed on water in slow motion hd 00:08 School of tropical fish (butterflyfish) on the coral reef. Colorful seascape with marine wildlife. Underwater photography from snorkeling with corals and fish. Aquatic tropical life. 4k 00:08 Beautiful blue water surface. Abstract background 3d render with animation waving of waterline. Seamless loop 4k animation. hd 00:15 17% slow motion of a young humpback whale emerging from underwater and breaching at merimbula in new south wales, australia hd 00:43 Close up slow motion stacked ice cubes collapsing with bubbles under water 4k 00:14 sun beam sun shine and sun rays underwater on the surface moving water blue and shiny hd 00:09 Top view of young man jumping in pool and splashing crystal clear water. Unrecognizable guy swimming under water in basin at sunny day. Boy relaxing during summer vacation. Slow motion Close up hd 00:25 group of synchronized swimmers performing underwater 4k 00:06 Plastic pollution, Crab travels inside a plastic cup slowly floating under the surface of blue water in sunray. Live crab trapped in plastic cup. Plastic garbage environmental pollution problem. 4k 00:41 Clean water with light reflections. Slow motion.
K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 100. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90%c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n 16. Kẻ săn mồi đáy biểnen. English [ edit] Etymology [ edit] under + water Adjective [ edit] underwater ( comparative more underwater, superlative most underwater) ( not comparable) beneath the surface of the water, or of or pertaining to the region beneath the water surface ( nautical) beneath the water line of a vessel ( figuratively) Under water. ( finance) having negative equity; owing more on an asset than its market value We've been underwater on our mortgage ever since the housing crash. 2013 May 13, Matthew MacCaull as Matt Bronstein, Underwater ( Bates Motel), episode 9, A&E: You're underwater. The best thing you can do is just walk away. Let the bank take it back. Synonyms [ edit] ( beneath the water surface): subaqueous, subaquatic, submarine ( having negative equity): upside down [ edit] underground underseas Translations [ edit] beneath the water surface nautical: beneath the water line Adverb [ edit] going beneath the surface of the water nautical: going beneath the surface of the water Noun [ edit] underwater ( plural underwaters) underlying water or body of water, for example in an aquifer or the deep ocean ( fishing) A type of lure which lies beneath the water surface. 1923, Sheridan R. Jones, Bait Casting: The Short Rod and How to Use It [1], page 57: Practically all wobbling underwaters will take fish aplenty in the hands of a man who really knows how to put them through their stints. Verb [ edit] underwater ( third-person singular simple present underwaters, present participle underwatering, simple past and past participle underwatered) ( agriculture, horticulture) to water or irrigate insufficiently Care must be taken not to underwater houseplants in the summer. Antonyms [ edit] overwater See also [ edit] underwater on Wikipedia. Wikipedia.
This article is about the 2020 science fiction film. For the 1955 adventure film starring Jane Russell, see Underwater! Underwater Theatrical release poster Directed by William Eubank Produced by Peter Chernin Tonia Davis Jenno Topping Written by Brian Duffield Adam Cozad Starring Kristen Stewart Vincent Cassel Jessica Henwick John Gallagher Jr. Mamoudou Athie T. J. Miller Music by Marco Beltrami Brandon Roberts Cinematography Bojan Bazelli Edited by Todd E. Miller Brian Berdan William Hoy Production companies Chernin Entertainment Distributed by 20th Century Fox Release date January 10, 2020 (United States) Running time 95 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $50 million [1] [2] Box office $40. 8 million [3] Underwater is a 2020 American science fiction horror film directed by William Eubank and written by Brian Duffield and Adam Cozad. The film is produced by Chernin Entertainment and stars Kristen Stewart, Vincent Cassel, Jessica Henwick, John Gallagher Jr., Mamoudou Athie, and T. Miller. [4] It follows a group of scientists at the bottom of the ocean who encounter a group of creatures after an earthquake destroys their laboratory. Underwater was released in the United States on January 10, 2020, by 20th Century Fox. The film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $40 million worldwide against a reported budget of $50-80 million, making it a box office bomb. It is the last film released under the 20th Century Fox name, before the name was changed to 20th Century Studios by Disney, after their acquisition of Fox and its assets. [5] Plot [ edit] Kepler 822, a research and drilling facility operated by Tian Industries at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, is struck by a strong earthquake. As part of the facility is destroyed by the quake, mechanical engineer Norah Price and her colleagues, Rodrigo and Paul, make their way to the escape pod bay. However, the three discover that all of the escape pods have already been deployed, with Captain Lucien being the only person in the area when the three arrive. Together they reach a control base and find biologist Emily Haversham and engineer Liam Smith, who are unsuccessful in their attempts to make contact with the surface. Lucien suggests using pressurized suits to walk one mile across the ocean floor to Roebuck 641 in the hope of resurfacing from there. As they descend in a freight elevator, Rodrigo’s defective helmet implodes under the water pressure. The surviving crew see a distress beacon from one of the escape pods below, and Smith and Paul go to investigate. As they arrive at the location, they find a body in the rubble. A creature emerges from the corpse's back and attacks. Smith kills the creature and takes it inside. Haversham examines the creature and realizes that it belongs to a previously undiscovered species. The five make their way to Roebuck, but as they are walking, Kepler explodes and nearly buries them in debris. Smith is hit, but Price and Lucien save him. They manage to get through an access tunnel to an intermediate station, where they can charge and clean their suits. However, they find that Smith's oxygen scrubber is badly damaged from the debris. On their way through the access tunnel, Paul is attacked by an unknown creature, dragged underwater and killed. Before the team leaves the access tunnel, they find that Smith's damaged oxygen pod will cause him to suffocate from the explosion's toxic fumes. Unwilling to leave another crew member behind, Price, Lucien and Haversham agree to help Smith walk. The four set off across the ocean floor, but a humanoid creature appears and drags Smith into a cave. Lucien manages to get Smith out, but is himself pulled from the other three. Price is dragged along with Lucien, but Lucien sacrifices himself to spare Price from the increasing pressure change. Price ends up at the abandoned Sheppard station and is able to change her damaged diving suit before continuing toward Roebuck. Walking along the ocean floor, she reunites with Haversham and Smith, and proceeds to help drag Smith. As they enter Roebuck, they encounter a nest of the humanoid creatures hanging from the ceiling and try to sneak by, but the sound of Haversham's oxygen alarm wakes the creatures. Price is partially swallowed by one of the creatures but is able to kill it and free herself. The three are able to reach the escape pod bay, but Price discovers that only two of the pods work. Price and Haversham manage to get the ailing Smith into a pod, and Price persuades Haversham to take the last one. As this happens, a gigantic creature emerges and attacks the Roebuck while the smaller creatures follow the two escape pods. Price, aware of her impending death, increases the energy levels of the core engines so that they explode, killing the creatures and allowing the escape pods to reach the surface. Tian Industries attempts to cover up the incident and keeps Haversham and Smith's testimonies classified. The company goes on to say that they intend to expand their drilling efforts. Cast [ edit] Kristen Stewart as Norah Price Vincent Cassel as Captain Lucien T. Miller as Paul Abel Jessica Henwick as Emily Haversham John Gallagher Jr. as Liam Smith Mamoudou Athie as Rodrigo Nagenda Gunner Wright as Lee Miller Production [ edit] On February 22, 2017, it was announced that Kristen Stewart would star in Underwater, a film to be directed by William Eubank from a screenplay by Brian Duffield and Adam Cozad. It was revealed that principal production would commence the next month. [6] On March 7, 2017, T. Miller and Jessica Henwick joined the cast, and principal production was set to commence later that month in New Orleans. [7] On April 5, 2017, during principal production, Vincent Cassel and Mamoudou Athie joined the cast, [8] and the next day, John Gallagher Jr. was also added. [9] In May 2017, following the end of filming for the film, it was revealed that Gunner Wright was also part of the cast. [10] After shooting the film, the director decided to design the alpha creature based on H. P. Lovecraft 's Cthulhu. [11] Release [ edit] Underwater was released in the United States on January 10, 2020. [12] The film was the last Fox film to be released under the 20th Century Fox name, before its new owner, The Walt Disney Company, changed the name of the studio to 20th Century Studios. [13] Reception [ edit] Box office [ edit] As of March 3, 2020, Underwater has grossed $17. 3 million in the United States and Canada, and $23. 5 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $40. 8 million. [3] In the United States and Canada, Underwater was released alongside Like a Boss and the expansions of Just Mercy and 1917, and was projected to gross around $8 million in its opening weekend. [14] [2] The film made $2. 7 million on its first day, including $500, 000 from Thursday night previews. It went on to debut to $7 million, finishing seventh at the box office. [1] The film fell 48% in its second weekend to $3. 6 million (and $4. 8 million over the four-day Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday), finishing eleventh. [15] Critical response [ edit] On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 46% based on 189 reviews, with an average rating of 5. 17/10. The site's critical consensus reads, " Underwater ' s strong cast and stylish direction aren't enough to distract from the strong sense of déjà vu provoked by this claustrophobic thriller's derivative story. " [16] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 49 out of 100 based on 35 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews. " [17] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "C" on an A+ to F scale, and PostTrak reported it received an average 2 out of 5 stars, with 35% of people saying they would definitely recommend it. [1] References [ edit] ^ a b c D'Alessandro, Anthony (January 10, 2020). " ' 1917' Strong With $36M+, But 'Like A Boss' & 'Just Mercy' Fighting Over 4th With $10M; Why Kristen Stewart's 'Underwater' Went Kerplunk With $7M". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 10, 2020. ^ a b Rubin, Rebecca (January 7, 2020). "Will '1917' Get Box Office Boost After Golden Globes Wins? ". Variety. Retrieved January 8, 2020. ^ a b "Underwater (2020)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved March 4, 2020. ^ McNary, Dave (February 22, 2017). "Kristen Stewart in Talks to Star in Adventure-Thriller 'Underwater ' ". Retrieved July 10, 2017. ^ Vary, Adam (January 17, 2020). "Disney Drops Fox Name, Will Rebrand as 20th Century Studios, Searchlight Pictures". Retrieved January 17, 2020. ^ Busch, Anita (February 22, 2017). "Kristen Stewart In Final Negotiations To Star In Fox Movie 'Underwater ' ". Retrieved July 10, 2017. ^ McNary, Dave (March 7, 2017). "T. Miller, Jessica Henwick Join Kristen Stewart in Thriller 'Underwater ' ". Retrieved July 10, 2017. ^ Ford, Rebecca (May 4, 2017). "Vincent Cassel, 'Get Down' Star Mamoudou Athie Join 'Underwater ' ". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 10, 2017. ^ N'Duka, Amanda (April 6, 2017). "John Gallagher Jr. Boards Fox's 'Underwater'; Dwayne Cameron Joins '#211 ' ". Retrieved July 10, 2017. ^ Wakeman, Gregory (May 22, 2017). Miller Compares Underwater To Two Classic James Cameron Films". CinemaBlend. Retrieved July 10, 2017. ^ Squires, John (January 17, 2020). "[Spoilers] 'Underwater' Director Confirms That You Saw What You Thought You Saw in the Final Act". Bloody Disgusting!. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (May 7, 2019). "Disney-Fox Updates Release Schedule: Sets Three Untitled 'Star Wars' Movies, 'New Mutants' Heads To 2020, 'Ad Astra' To Open Fall & More". Retrieved May 7, 2019. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (January 6, 2020). " ' 1917' Advance Ticket Sales Already Fired Up From Golden Globe Wins As Sam Mendes Pic Sees $25M Opening". Retrieved January 7, 2020. ^ Anthony D'Alessandro (January 19, 2020). " ' Bad Boys For Life' So Great With $100M+ Worldwide; 'Dolittle' Still A Dud With $57M+ Global – Box Office Update". Retrieved January 19, 2020. ^ "Underwater (2020)". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved January 14, 2020. ^ "Underwater Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved January 11, 2020. External links [ edit] Official Site on Fox Movies Underwater on IMDb.
Review phim kẻ săn mồi đáy biển. A buddy of mine said that the creatures acted like a hive mind. Kẻ Săn Mồi Đáy bien. Kẻ SÄn Má»i ÄÃy Biá»n.m. Kẻ Săn Mồi Đáy biens neufs. K e1 ba bb s c4 83n m e1 bb 93i c4 90 c3 a1y bi e1 bb 83n freestyle. Finally I won't be Virgin... anymore Gimme dat robot god damn it. The titanic didnt crash the coal that kept the ship going exploded.
Publisher: Ki Smith
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